"Prometheus Bound" consists of a sequence of dialogues between Prometheus and the other characters: Oceanos, Io, Hermes, and perhaps most significantly, the daughters of Oceanos who form the Chorus.
The Greek divine order, or "pantheon" forms an important backdrop to the work. There had been a dynastic struggle among races of gods. Prometheus's kin, the titans, were overthrown by the Olympian gods. In essence, "Prometheus Bound" is about the aftermath of this struggle.
Below is a glossary of some of the names of the play. I hope it helps you to follow the story line.
Amazons: A race of warrior women.
Armipasians: A one-eyed people who live near a gold-bearing
Atlas: A titan, best known as the giant who held the earth
separate from the sky.
Hades: the underworld
Haephaestus: God of metallurgy
Hera: wife of Zeus
Hermes: Messenger of the gods
Io: A daughter of the river god Inachus; changed in to a cow
by Zeus
Kronos: Father of Zeus
Loxias: a title of Apollo meaning “interpreter,” relating to Zeus’s prophetic
Might: a demon and servant of Zeus
Oceanos: A river and its god
Phorcys: A sea-god
Prometheus: A titan
Rhea: a titaness
Tartarus: A dark region below the earth, far below Hades
Themis: mother of Prometheus
Thetys: a sea goddess
Typho: a monster
Uranos: God of the sky
Violence: like Might, a demon and servant of Zeus; “muta
persona”, or “silent character”
Zeus: The top Olympian god.
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