Monday, August 24, 2020

12 Questions on "Holy Week," by Deborah Eisenberg


1.    P. 475.  Why does Dennis wonder if it was poor judgement to have brought his girlfriend Sarah?

2.    p. 477.  Why does the sight of the “solitary grower in the field” prompt Dennis to reflect on his own life?  [Read last 2 graphs of Sunday]

3.    p. 482 Any significance of parrot screaming after Dot saying people have to be more careful re: talking about their political affiliations in this country than they do at home?

4.    p.484. Why does the owner of La Marquesa “smile with hatred” when he says he doesn’t know what the poor are eating now that the price of beans has doubled.

5.    p.485.  Why does Sarah ask Dennis, “Don’t you like me … why did you have to trot out my credentials for the McGees”?  What are the credentials?  Dennis then says, “I’d only been trying to provide her with an excuse not to see them.”  Can anyone explain this?

6.    p. 486.  Does Sarah give respectability to Dennis?

7.    p. 488. “What does the expression “persecuting loveliness” mean?

8.    p.488 Why would it be “morally reprehensible not to enjoy possibly the most lavish Easter celebration in the whole of the New World?"

9.    p.492. Why does Dot say, “they’re not interested in the Resurrection at all, really. Today and tomorrow are the big days.  The Crucifixion is the part of it they all relate to.”

10.p.496. Read 5 paragraphs after “Next to me Sarah picked up a wobbly child who was steadying himself against her knees.” (Including crucifixion pronouncement).

11.p.497 and following pages (Maundy Saturday).  Any comments on the exchange between Curtis Finley and Clifford McGee (p.498)? The De Léons dinner party and the story of their son Rubén who had been involved in left-wing student politics (p505)

12.Take a look at last 3 paragraphs on p.507.  Does it give a satisfactory summation of the story?